September Meeting at Mara’s

Only a couple home brews, but several great commercial beers this month.

This month’s meeting was a more casual affair. Mara welcomed around 10 Yahoos into her home for what was supposed to be an Oktoberfest theme. While there was a German beer (or maybe two) on hand, we mostly sampled a wide range of other commercial styles, including some choice offerings from Mara’s cellar.

We only tasted three blind samples, but one was actually Maine Beer’s Lunch, which scored 36 overall. We also did open evaluation of two of Pierre’s Belgian-style ales, as well as Mara’s brett IPA and Paul’s bouche.

Thanks again to Mara for hosting! October’s meeting will be held at Phil and Cathy’s home in Norwalk. Check your email or Facebook for more information.

Also, don’t forget about SNERC! We still need judges and stewards, and there are still plenty of entry spots left.

Key Dates:
Submission deadline: 10/15
Entry sorting: 10/22
SNERC: 10/28