
Join the Underground Brewers!

Membership Details

Dues for 2024 are $30 for individuals and $35 for families. After July 1, dues are prorated 50% ($15 individuals, $17.50 families) for the remainder of the year.

Membership runs for a full calendar year (January 1 to December 31). Membership dues are due by January 31 to avoid lapsed membership!

Benefits of Paid Membership

  • Voting on, and running for, Club Executive Committee positions: Education, Events, Communication, Outreach, Treasurer
  • Compete to represent the Underground Brewers in the CT Club Homebrew Competition
  • Annual Underground Brewers club swag
  • The Underground Brewers are paid club members of the Master Homebrewer Program (MHP), which entitles all paid members free entry into the program! 
  • Participate in exclusive club events like group brews and barrel fills, wort shares, and more!

Benefits for all Members (paid and unpaid)

  • Participation in all club meetings, including the Annual Club Picnic, Holiday Party, and weekend brewery excursions.
  • Educational activities, including sensory training, blind judging, and presentations. 
  • Ability to join bulk grain and other brewing ingredient orders.

Your membership helps make so much of what we do possible. From educational experiences like the Siebel Off-Flavor test kit to club glassware for meetings, we couldn’t keep this club going the way we have. If you aren’t a member already, please consider joining today!

How to Join

Sign up today by completing this form. Dues can be paid via PayPal (link included on the form), brought to a meeting, or you can reach out to