March Madness

The March meeting was hosted by your humble narrator at the beach house in Branford. Turnout was surprisingly good for a meeting located on the far eastern frontier, although numbers were inflated a tad by members of MASH, our sister club on the eastern shoreline. More would probably not have been better; there were enough bodies in my tiny living room.

The beers we judged were uniformly excellent. Several were outstanding. A number were from batches which were also entered in the Nationals. I’ll be very surprised if they do not advance.

Only one picture was taken of the event. I’m not sure why everyone in it looks so, um, distracted. Momentary bout of madness or something. This is why one should always take multiple photos of any occasion.

Tasting notes are in the album below. Andy handled scribe duty since I was pouring beers. Thanks, Andy!

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